Piles, technically called hemorrhoid, is a cluster of swollen veins inside and outside the anas. The major symptoms are itchiness, bloody stool, and pain while passing stool, a major cause of piles are chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, and irritable bowels. Changing lifestyle and eating habits is required to get rid of piles. Here are some Dos and Don’t for those suffering from piles that might help you deal with hemorrhoids easily using ayurveda.
What Is Yoga? How To Helps In Piles?
The Hindu sage Patanjali began to codify the ancient, meditative tradition. He introduced yoga to this world. It was practiced throughout India. He reported techniques nearly as old as the Indian civilization itself.
Patanjali defined yoga as restraining the mind from focusing on the world or distracting in search of never-ending external peace. He incorporated physical elements from gymnastics and wrestling.
There are five core elements of yoga: air, water, fire, earth, and space. Yoga is a blend of both physical and mental exercises. There are various advantages of yoga, such as strength and flexibility.
Yoga To Deal With Piles
Light exercises are suggested to those who are suffering from piles. It’s important to Exercise to deal with piles. Regular workout results in a better digestive system which ultimately reduces the chances of piles formation in the first place. Yoga can be one of the best piles treatments in ayurveda Patanjali. Here are some yoga asanas that you can do to prevent piles.
Viparita Karni
Viparita Karni is a piles treatment in ayurveda Patanjali, or legs up the wall are simple and don’t need any expertise to perform. All you need to do is lie down and support your legs with a wall or a pile of pillows.
This assay helps improve blood circulation to the anus and best treatment for piles, fissures and fistula. It will also relieve the unavoidable strain being applied during the bowel movement.
Malasana Asana
This asana is nothing but a variety of squatting positions. To perform this, get into the squatting position and ensure your heels touch the floor.
Constipation is one of the most common causes of piles. This assay can prevent constipation problem. This posture is also good for your spin.
Balance Asana
Balance asana is an exercise that helps you strengthen your abdominal muscles and core. All you have to do is balance your weight on one leg and keep your body structured like a bow and arrow.
This pose can also help in blood circulation to the anus and reduces the chances of constipation.
To perform this asana make sure you bend your knees and place the thighs on your abdominal muscle. Keep your arms and knees in an in circle position.
This can help release trapped gas and reduce the discomfort in the lower abdomen muscles.
Sarvangasana is best described as a shoulder stand. While performing this exercise the aim should be balancing your body on your shoulder and upper body and lifting your legs straight up.
Apart from proper blood circulation in your anus area, this asana also helps release digestive juices that reduce the chances of piles.
Yoga & Exercises To Deal With Piles
Daily exercise is recommended for a patient suffering from piles as it helps in boosting digestion and avoiding the chances of constipation. There are several exercises that can help in improving and maintaining your pile’s conditions.
Pelvic Floor Contraction
The aim of this exercise is to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles which will result in easy stool moments and relaxing strain caused due to piles.
To perform this exercise lie on your back and contact your anal muscle. Hold for 10 seconds and relax for another 10 seconds repeat 8 times.
Deep Breathing
This exercise helps you relax your pelvic muscles.
Take a deep breath allowing your abdomen to expand and then release. While exhaling try to draw your navel towards your spin.
Bound Angle Pose
This exercise can help you gain flexibility in your lower body and relax your muscles.
To perform this pose make your soles face each other and your knees stretched outside.
Do’s & Don’t
Long sitting continues pressure on the lower muscles can irritate that area. Tight clothes when you are in the office or traveling a long distance sitting in one position for long periods can also cause the whole problem.
Prolonged sitting can cause pooling of blood in the veins causing swelling and ultimately causing piles.
Avoid sitting in one position for a long period; every half an hour, make sure you stand up and take a short walk or stretch your muscles.
Make sure there is no congestion or blood pool in that area.
Avoid packaged food and spicy food & junks food which might create inconvenience during the stool moment and make it irritating for you.
Add a lot of fibers to your diet. There are two types of fibers soluble fiber and insoluble fibers. Soluble fibers help stool remain soft. Insoluble fibers help push stool. Best diet plan for piles, rectal pain, itching, bleeding
Weight Lifting
Often lifting heavy weights can result in a strain on the abdominal muscle and ultimately cause piles.
People suffering from piles are often suggested to perform light workouts to avoid unwanted strain on their anal muscles. Yoga is one of the most effective treatment for rectal pain, itching, bleeding & swelling to heal and recover faster.
You should consider these yoga exercises to avoid piles and get a better lifestyle in all aspects of life. Make sure you share this with your friends and family and keep up with our ayurveda website for more informative blogs.