How do you treat kidney failure without dialysis?

  • Apr 15, 2022
  • By admin
  • 0 Comment

Hello, my name is Bachan Singh and I’m from Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. I was badly suffering from kidney failure and this disease made my life like hell. I was suffering from this kidney failure disease for the past 1 year. But, now, I‘m completely fine only because of Store.Ayukarma. I took ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure from Ayukarma for my problem and now, I’m much better than before. Thank You Store.Ayukarma for helping me in those tough times.


About 2 years ago, I was experiencing some minor changes in my health like breathlessness, vomiting, blood in my urine, tiredness, weakness, fatigue, and insomnia. But I used to ignore them because I thought these symptoms were normal. People get tired daily because they work a lot. Maybe the same was happening to me. My health was getting worse gradually. Then, I rushed to an allopathic hospital and get some tests done.

Shocked after seeing kidney reports

When my test reports came, I was shocked after seeing them. My doctor said to me that your condition is very serious. Your kidneys are almost 50% damaged and it’s impossible to cure your kidneys. But, we will try our best. Then, they prescribed some medicine for me and advise me to take them regularly. I started taking allopathic medicines regularly. Initially, they gave me some amount of relief and managed my kidneys to not get damaged further. But after some time, these allopathic medicines gave me serious side effects on my health.


My health has started worsening again and I don’t have any idea what to do. Then, my allopathic doctor suggested me to undergo dialysis. But, I was not ready for dialysis, even I was not ever wanted to undergo dialysis. I talked to my allopathic doctor about my concern and then he told me about Ayukarma hospital. He advised me to take ayurvedic medication for kidney failure.

I came to Delhi with all my hope and prayers. I came here with my brother. We went to Ayukarma hospital and met with Dr. Puneet Dhawan. My brother explained all the complications and gave my reports. He saw my reports and explained to me how critical my condition was and how ayurveda kidney treatment can help me in this regard. He explained to me thoroughly the ancient approach of panchakarma treatment for kidney failure and how ayukarma will treat my kidney disease with the help of natural remedies for kidney failure.


When I came to Ayukarma hospital, that time my creatinine level was 6.6mg/dl, and my urea level was also increased. Dr. Puneet Dhawan started my ayurvedic treatment and he guide me a lot and made a diet chart, especially for my renal-friendly diet. I started taking ayurvedic medicines for kidney failure and following all the instructions regarding my diet. Without dialysis, within just 4 months of ayurvedic treatment, I got completely fine. My latest creatinine test report came and now my creatinine level is 3.8mg/dl. Ayurvedic treatment from store.ayukarma reduced my creatinine level near to the normal range and my urea level also decreased.

Now, I’m feeling much better than before. I can walk properly and can do almost my stuff on my own. I want to say heartfelt thanks to and the whole team of it. I and my family also want to show some gratitude towards Dr. Puneet Dhawan and thanks to him. He brought happiness to my life and made it as it ease like before. THANK YOU.

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