Ayurvedic Treatment For Digestion, Acidity & Gas Problems

  • Aug 12, 2022
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Digestion, Acidity & Gas Problems in Ayurveda

Hello, my name is Sunny Pawar, and I am from Jharkhand. Some time back, I had digestion issues because of my daily lifestyle. When I was diagnosed with the problem of acidity and gas, I didn’t know that it could adversely affect my life. At the beginning of this, I had no idea what acidity and gas problems could cause?


I do a private job and am often busy with work, so I never pay attention to what problem is happening in my body. At first, I started feeling weakness in the body and pain in my joints. I was also having a constipation problem, and I had a loss of appetite. But I ignored it, thinking it might be because of my overwork.


I would like to tell you something about acidity. It is usually a common problem that many people face daily. Various factors can lead to acidity. Overeating, improper patterns of eating, more consumption of junk and oily food, stress, and sometimes even dehydration can cause acidity.

Earlier I was having pain and burning sensations in the chest, throat, and stomach. I was also having indigestion and constipation problems. I often vomit, and sometimes undigested food comes back into my mouth. When I saw these symptoms, I got worried about myself, and I thought I should consult a doctor. I went to the doctor the next day, and after telling them my problem, the doctor gave me some medicines, and those medicines were of no use. I took those medicines for seven days, but there was no benefit.


After that, I changed to another doctor and went to another doctor. He also recommended some medicines, which were also not effective. I was so confused, and I was facing a lot of problems. Allopathic medicines were not showing their results. After some time, I was searching for ayurvedic treatment for digestion, and then I came to know about the store.ayukarma.com and from there, I consulted with the doctor. The doctors recommended me some ayurvedic medicines for digestion. One medicine was Agniharitaki Granule Ayurvedic Churan For Digestion, Acidity & Gas, while the other was Anulomak & Swadishta Herbal Churan For Acidity.


I also did some home remedies for digestion

  • Drinking water : Our body needs water to digest food and absorb nutrients efficiently. Dehydration can be one of the reasons for an upset stomach.
  • Avoid foods that are difficult to digest : There are some foods that are difficult to digest as compared to others that increases the risk of an upset stomach.
  • Cinnamon : Cinnamon has antioxidants that help to ease digestion and also reduces the risk of damage in the digestive tract.
  • Cumin : Cumin seeds has powerful ingredients that helps by reducing digestion problems and excess stomach acids decreasing gas, reducing intestinal inflammation, act as an antimicrobial
  • Cloves : Cloves have substances that help to reduce gas in the stomach and also increase gastric secretions. This can increase the speed of slow digestion, which can reduce cramping and pressure. Cloves are also helpful in reducing nausea and vomiting.

These home remedies for digestion helped me so much in reducing my constipation problems. I also did some lifestyle changes. I used to have a very bad lifestyle. I used to stay in bed till 12o o’clock in the afternoon and stay up all night. I never used to do any exercise or yoga asanas which also affected my health a lot. I was just a lazy person then I realised that my way of living was not good. And half of my health problems were just because of my lifestyle.


After that I started doing exercises and yoga for my indigestion problems that was suggested by the doctor. Yoga Asanas that I started doing were Paschimottasana, Pavanamuktasana, Balasana, Trikonasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana. These were some asanas the doctor suggested to me.

With all the physical workout the doctor also gave me a proper diet chart. He suggested that I eat whole grain foods, leafy vegetables, unsaturated fats, kefir and yoghurt. I followed all his instructions, did everything as suggested by him. And because of all this today I am completely fine and healthy. I am not facing digestion problems anymore. All thanks to ayukarma and the doctor.

I will recommend every person who has stomach problems or any other health problems to visit store.ayukarma.com once. I am sure they will get the best treatment from their and will be perfectly fine.

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