Why is cold and cough a communicable disease?
Generally speaking, cold and cough infection in your nose and upper respiratory tract.
Have you Sneezed, stuffy and runny nose? You might have a infection for cold and sneezing. When you have a running nose, sneezing, dry cough at night, wet cough, phlegm in throat, mucus in lungs, headache, and a sore throat. There are more than 200 viruses that can cause a allergic cold and cough, but rhinovirus is considered the most common type of virus.

What symptoms of cold does the patient have?
- Sore Throating : You may feel scratchiness or irritation when you swallow. The most common cause may include viral infection such as a natural cold and flu.
- Runny Nose : In a natural runny nose infections, you can feel mucus dripping. It can happen possibly due to colder outdoor temperatures, a cold and runny nose.
- Coughing : You can feel coughing at night when something irritates your throat infection or airways. If you are coughing at night for several weeks or blooding mucus, then urgent medical attention should be needed.

- Sneezing : Sneezing and running nose is the way when your body removes irritants from your nose or sore throat. Sneezing and cold can happen suddenly and without any alarming symptoms.
- Post-nasal Discharge : Post-nasal discharge is excess mucus that your nose and throat glands secrete. You can feel the experience of a sore throat, throat infection, and a raspy voice.
- Fever : You may experience fever headache and cough as your body temperature rises above the normal temperature.
- Watery Eyes : Watery eyes happen when you have too many tears draining from your eyes. Tears help keep your eyes surface moist and wash away the particles and foreign objects in your eye.

When should have to seek medical care for cough and cold?
- Fast breathing or difficulty in breathing
- Persistent fever that lasts greater than four days
- Dehydration
- Symptoms greater than ten days with no improvement
- Recurrent symptoms, such as fever or cough after improvement and getting worse
What are the causing factors of catching cough and cold?
Certain factors may increase your vulnerability to cough and cold, as below
- Close Contact : Close contact with someone who has had a cold and infections.
- Season : during the fall and winter, colds are more common.
- Age : Infants and young children are more vulnerable to cold than adults or young ones.

How to feel better with a cold and cough?
- Consume plenty of fluids.
- Use a cool-mist vaporizer.
- Doctor checkup & take medicine
- Ayurvedic medicine for cold and cough
- Take saline nasal spray or drops.
- Take steam. Breathe from a bowl of hot water.
- Consume honey to relieve cough for adults and children at least one year of age or older.

What should prevention follow?
You can prevent a cold and cough by doing your best way to stay healthy and keep others healthy, too, including:
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with infected hands.
- Wash your hands regularly.
- Avoid close contact with people who have had a cold, cough, or other upper respiratory infections.
- Do not forget to cover your mouth and nose while you sneeze.
How many types of cough are there?
A cough is considered acute if it lasts less than three weeks and chronic for more than eight weeks. There are various types of cough, as listed below.
Chesty Cough : Chesty cough is also known as wet or phlegmy cough. This cough makes a person’s chest heavy, and the cough brings up mucus. Each cough can produce a lump of mucus. Thus, chesty cough is also called a productive cough. Chesty cough can happen after a sore throat and is caused by viruses from colds and flu. Chesty coughs are worse in the mornings. Other more serious causes associated with chest cough include heart failure, asthma, or chronic bronchitis. Honey tea is the best remedy for instant chest congestion relief.
Tickly Cough : Tickly cough is the most common type of cough. Tickly cough is generally a non-productive cough as it produces little or no phlegm. Sometimes you can feel a post-nasal drip which is caused by inflamed tissue in the nose and producing excess tissue.
Dry Cough : A dry cough is also a non-productive cough. It can happen due to irritants in the air passage. Flu, hay fever, asthma, acid reflux, bronchitis, and colds can cause dry cough. Furthermore, certain medications used for treating blood pressure can also cause dry cough. You can do dry cough treatment at home, Ginger is great ayurvedic home remedies for dry cough.
Nervous Cough : Nervous cough is known as non-productive cough. Physical irritants do not cause nervous cough and is aggravated by feeling stressed or anxious. It can disappear when a person sleeps.

Persistent Cough : Persistent cough is known as chronic cough, and it can last for more than eight weeks. The most common causes of persistent cough include asthma, sinus infections, smoking, allergic rhinitis, gastroesophageal reflux, infection, eosinophilic bronchitis, and side effects of certain medications. If you feel other alarming symptoms such as blood in the sputum, shortness of breath, and cough, you should see your doctor immediately or chronic cough treatment home remedy.
Croup Cough : Croup cough is generally found in children under the age of five. It is caused by the same virus as the common cold and makes the airways swell. In croup cough, the voice box (larynx) and windpipe (trachea) become swollen and irritated as there is less passage for air to move into the lungs. As a result of this, the child produces a hoarse barking cough. Symptoms get worsen at night and when the child is upset. If your child feels croup cough, allow him to breathe in some moist air from a steam-filled bathroom and ensure that he is taking adequate fluid.
Whooping Cough : Whooping cough is known as pertussis. Whooping cough is considered a serious respiratory infection that causes violent coughing fits. Your child can produce a whooping sound when he gasps for breath after coughing fits. Let your baby administer a vaccine against whooping cough as a part of the vaccination program.
What are the best home remedies for cold and cough?
Ginger : Ginger is a popular home remedy for cough and cold. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and contains certain compounds that dilate the blood vessels of your lungs and smooth muscles.
Garlic : Garlic is a popular dry cough home remedy. Garlic has medicinal properties, and it can boost your immune system. Garlic can helps you cope with cough and cold. If you take raw garlic in your daily diet, it has a great role.
Raw Honey : Raw honey is a popular home remedy for cold. Raw honey is versatile, and it has healing properties for many respiratory ailments. Raw honey has antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties that help lessen cough duration and intensity. You can get better results if you make a tea with two spoonfuls of fresh lemon juice with adequate water.
Turmeric : Turmeric is the best home remedy for dry cough at night. Turmeric contains yellow-colored Curcumin, which boosts your immune system and active antibody reaction against viral infection. For faster relief, you can all some black pepper to the turmeric.

Lemon : Lemon is best home remedies for cold and sneezing. Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C and acts as an antioxidant. You can take a freshly squeezed lemon with warm water or tea, which can help you to soothe your cold and cough.
Pomegranate Juice : Pomegranate contains flavonoid antioxidants which are helpful to fight viruses and decrease the seventy of cold by as much as 40%.
Chamomile Tea : Chamomile is popular home remedies for cough and sore throat. Chamomile tea has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties; it can boost your immune system. It can soothe your throat and congested nose, which helps to clear the nasal passage.
Traditional Chicken Stew : Vegetables, chicken broth, salt, pepper, onion, and garlic are the basic ingredients of a chicken stew. Chicken stew can be helpful if you have a bad cold and cough.
Yogurt : Yoghurt is popular home remedies for wet cough. Yoghurt is a probiotic and can cope with a cold. If you recover yogurt, you can recover faster from cold and cough.
Which Daily diet plan should you have to take for cold and cough?
Early Morning : In the early morning, you can take warm water mixed with salt as it can clear your throat from thick mucus.
Breakfast : For breakfast, you can take veg upma, veg dalia, veg poha, stuffed chapatti with veg or dal.
Mid-morning : In mid-morning, you can take fruit, herbal tea, Coconut water, and honey mixed with warm water.

Evening : You can take herbal tea or green tea in the evening.
Dinner : For dinner, you can take chapatti, vegetables, and dal. Avoid too heavy meals and fatty meals at night.
How can Ayurveda be helpful for Cold and coughs?
In Ayurveda, our body consists of three dosha, namely, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, broadly representing the nervous system, the metabolic system, and the nutritional system. A disease may trigger whenever there is a disturbed balance between three doshas. The main goal of Ayurveda is to restore the original state of equilibrium between the three doshas. Ayurveda has certain regimens and treatment modalities such as Dinacharya, Rutucharya, Vega Adharana, Rasayana, and Panchakarma.

Green Tea Extract : Green tea extract has antioxidant properties. It helps you to cope with your cold and cough.
Dalchini Extract: : Dalchini extract has antioxidant properties, and it can be beneficial to you fight with a cold and cough.
Kali Mirch Extract : Kali Mirch extract helps you fight viral infections, including a cold and cough.
Sonth Extract : Sonth extract is an effective cure for sore throat, cold, and cough. Taking sonth powder boiled in water can provide you with better relief.
Tulsi Extract : Tulsi extract is a natural immunity booster and helps cop with a cold, cough, and other respiratory diseases. Taking tulsi extract in a cup of water in daily life can provide you with better relief.
Lemon extract : Lemon extract is a natural immunity booster and helps reduce a cold and cough.
How effective is Karma Rasayan Green Tea?
Common colds and coughs are common disorders due to certain daily factors, including seasonal changes, close contact with others, and age.
Let us talk about one of my close friends, Sanjay suffered from chronic cough and cold. He tried many antibiotics for cold and cough, but there was no improvement, and symptoms worsened. Sanjay has tried a lot of allopathic treatments for cold and cough. Sometimes they get relief from cold and cough, and sometimes symptoms are recurrent again. He was tired from his allopathic treatment efforts.

Sanjay says that Karma Rasayan Green Tea is an effective herbal medicine for a cold and cough. Sanjay had never imagined that this herbal product could recuperate him so fast. However, this herbal product is purely herbal-based and has no side effects. You can buy this product online at www.store.ayukarma.com.
Moreover, this product can be useful for other health conditions such as
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Creatinine
- Other viral infections