Women these days face various problems, and one of the major and life-threatening diseases is PCOS, of which some of you might be unaware. It is the condition where women face infertility, hormonal imbalance, irregular periods, and many more. Only ayurvedic remedies prove the best remedies for every kind of disease. You are on the right page if you are looking here to know the best ayurvedic treatments for PCOS.

What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) affects women of reproductive age. It is a condition where the ovaries start developing high levels of testosterone or androgens (male hormones), leading to high levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and low levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which restricts follicles from developing mature eggs leading to anovulatory periods and irregular menstruation.
According to the study, PCOS affects 4% – 20% of the age group between 18 and 45 of women of reproductive age. Surprisingly, around 50–75% of women with PCOS are unaware of this syndrome. It means it is the most serious concern that women need to see.

Some women are generally confused between PCOS & PCOD. Both conditions are related to ovaries and hormonal imbalance in women during their reproductive age between (18-51 years) and show symptoms.
- PCOS: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- In this condition, ovaries start developing androgens and testosterone levels (male hormones) and thus restrict the follicles from producing mature eggs.
- It is a serious medical disorder; around 0.2% to 2.5% of the world’s women population is affected.
- It affects women’s fertility. In this syndrome, women can’t ovulate regularly, thus leading to infertility. If it becomes pregnant, then miscarriage risks, complications in pregnancy, or premature birth risks can occur.
- It leads to various serious health concerns such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and endometrial cancer in the end stage.
- PCOD: Polycystic Ovarian Disease
- In this condition, ovaries contain many immature and partially mature eggs, which lead to
ovarian cysts and happen due to obesity, poor lifestyle, poor diet, stress, and hormonal imbalance.
- By bringing up the changes in the diet and lifestyle, one can treat themselves.
- It does not affect women’s fertility at all. Here women can ovulate and become pregnant with certain little medications.
- It doesn’t create or give rise to serious health issues.

Some women start getting symptoms at the time of their first period. Others only discover they have gained excess weight or have problems getting conceived (pregnant). Here are the most common signs of PCOS.
Irregular Periods : Lack of ovulation obstructs the uterine lining from shedding every month. Some women with PCOS get less than eight periods (normal) or none.
Acne : increase of male hormones ( testosterone and androgens) makes your skin oily and causes breakouts on the face, upper back, and chest.
Heavy Bleeding : The uterine lining develops for a longer period, getting heavier than normal.
Weight Gain : According to the study, 80% of women with PCOS are overweight or obese.
Hair Growth : Uneven and unwanted hair growth can grow on your face and body, including your belly, chest, and back. Excess hair growth is called hirsutism.
Male Pattern Baldness : The density of hair fall becomes high. Hair on the scalp gets thinner too.
Darkening of the skin : Dark patches on the skin can be formed in body creases like under the breast, on the neck region, and in the groin.
Headaches : Hormone changes or imbalance can trigger headaches.
Causes of PCOS
Generally, the doctors know it is because of developing male hormones, preventing ovaries from producing eggs normally. Here are some of the causes of PCOS given below:
Genes : According to the study, genes are responsible for PCOS.
Insulin resistance : Insulin is a hormone formulated by the pancreas to help the body use sugar from the foods. Excessive insulin promotes ovaries to produce male hormones. 70% of women with PCOS have insulin resistance, which means their cells cannot use insulin properly. Obesity is a chief cause of PCOS. Both PCOS & obesity can lead to type 2 diabetes.
Inflammation : Women with PCOS and obesity cause excessive inflammation due to increased androgen levels.
How PCOS affects your body
Higher androgen levels in the body lead to infertility and drastically affect other parts of your body.
Infertility : The major concern women face with PCOS infertility is increasing male hormones restricting the ovaries from ovulating. Women don’t ovulate regularly and don’t regularly release eggs to be fertilized in this condition.
Sleep Apnea : A condition when a person faces interruption in breathing during sleep. It is most common in women who are obese or overweight and especially if you are a victim of PCOS. Studies have shown that sleep apnea is 5 to 10 times higher in women with PCOS than without PCOS.
Depression : Hormonal imbalance that causes excessive & unwanted hair growth, obesity, and infertility can negatively affect your mental health and emotions, including stress, anxiety, eating disorders, and depression.
Metabolic Disorder : According to the studies, 80% of women with PCOS are generally overweight or obese. These both can escalate the risk of High Blood Sugar, Low HDL good cholesterol, High LDL bad cholesterol, High blood pressure
Such factors contribute to metabolic disorder/syndrome, and they cause risk for:
- Diabetes
- Heart Disease
- Stroke
- Endometrial Cancer
During ovulation, the uterine lining sheds. If you don’t ovulate every month regularly, then the lining gets added up. A thickened uterine lining can aggravate the risk of endometrial cancer.
If you want to reduce PCOS, the only thing you can do is make certain changes in your diet and lifestyle. Which in return helps you to reduce your weight.
Foods that are fibrous combat insulin resistance by lowering digestion and reducing the effect of sugar on the blood. This will be advantageous for PCOS.
Food to Add:
- Lean protein, like fish
- High fiber vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cruciferous vegetables, and brussels sprouts
- Greens include arguala, red leaf lettuce
- Almonds
- Berries
- Lentils and beans
- Pumpkin
- Winter squash
- Walnuts
- Sweet potatoes
- Anti-inflammatory spices and foods like tomatoes, kale, spinach, and turmeric.
- Green and red pepper
- Olive oil
Food to Limit
- Avoid sugary foods and drinks
- Avoid refined carbohydrates like muffins, white bread
- inflammatory foods, like processed and red meats
Lifestyle recommendations for PCOS
Certain lifestyle modifications can help you overcome such a dangerous syndrome, PCOS.
- Daily exercise daily (at least 150 minutes per week).
- Follow your diet prescribed by your doctor
- Stress or anxiety-relieving techniques such as meditation and yoga always work
These points will help in improved ovulation with weight loss.

Ayurvedic Treatment & Remedies for PCOS
Ayurveda is the ancient & most holistic system of physical and mental health. According to the reports, 4 out of 7 women are victims of PCOS or PCOD, menstrual disorders, or infertility. Therefore, women must consume a plant-based diet. Ayurveda treatment for PCOS balances the Kapha dosha with diet, herbal medicines, lifestyle, and uterine detoxification. Ayurveda suggests Virechana (detoxification), Shirodhara (relaxing the body and mind), Nsaya (nasal cleansing tract), and Uttarbasti (treats Genito-urinary disorder) for PCOS management, along with a well-balanced diet and lifestyle changes.

Ayurvedic Ingredients for PCOS
Ashwagandha is a great medicinal herb with anti-inflammatory properties to treat fatigue, general weakness related to fertility and improve immune system, and skin afflictions. It also stabilizes the fetus and regenerates hormones in women.
Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia) : It is one of the best medicinal herbs good for your pitta and acts as a blood purifier. This herb is good for constipation, PCOS, skin diseases, and dysentery.
Amalaki : it contains cleansing & warm-destroying functions. It purifies the vagina and guards from infections caused by worms.
Karela : It is the most effective remedy for the management of PCOS & its related symptoms, as it alleviates the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin.
Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus) : This herb is best for purifying the blood, assisting female hormones, and nourishing the ovum. It balances and boosts the menstrual system and regulates artava dhatu. Thus it is advantageous in the management of PCOS.
PCOS Conclusion
PCOS not only affects women on physical terms but also mentally. It is a serious condition that women need to stress; otherwise various repercussions you will face. Ayukarma Lekhniya Guggul ayurvedic tablets for PCOS will be a 100% natural and effective PCOS treatment for you. Apart from natural ayurvedic remedies, you need to bring certain changes in your lifestyle and diet that will assist you in becoming more healthy.