What is this Blood Pressure?
High Blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a state where the persistent blood is against your artery walls is so high that it can cause certain health problems and disease.
It often happens that you have high blood pressure level than the normal bp level, but you don't see any symptoms. And this unchecked high blood pressure can lead to various serious health issues that include strokes and heart attack. Luckily, we can detect high bp. And when you know if your bp is how or low, you can get it treated by your doctor. The bp has two readings-
- Systolic Pressure - It calculates the force in your arteries when your heartbeats.
- Diastolic Pressure - It calculates the power in your arteries in between your beats.

Let's know about the symptoms of Blood Pressure
Before knowing the symptoms of High Bp, you should know that it's highly dangerous. And why is that so? It is because you may not know that you have hypertension until and unless it's quite severe. Yes, nearly about 1/3rd of the people who have hypertension, i.e., high bp problems, don't know about it. And that is because there are no high blood pressure symptoms until it's severe. But It is easily detected.
Symptoms of High Blood Pressure
- Difficulty in Breathing
- Having Blood in Urine
- Severe Headaches
- Chest Pain, etc.
The low Blood Pressure reading is less than 90/60mmHg. Low BP symptoms are not always visible, but you should see a doctor if it shows.
Symptoms Of Low Blood Pressure
- Vision Blurred
- Sick Feeling
- Fainting
- Dizziness, etc.

Threats to your health from High Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure, if not detected and controlled, can lead to various severe health problems like-
- Strokes - It can block and burst the blood vessels that take blood and oxygen to the brain.
- Heart Attack - It can injure the arteries that can be blocked and can stop the blood flow to the heart muscle.
- Heart Failure - In this, the heart can fail to supply blood to the other parts of the body.
- Kidney Disease and Failure - It can injure the arteries near the kidney and can obstruct the capacity of blood filtration effectively.
- Vision Loss Angina, etc.
What are the solutions to this? How can it be treated?
There are various ways for low blood pressure treatment and high bp treatment. It is not always suggested to take medications. You can control your blood pressure by changing your lifestyle, and it can really help a lot.

Your doctor can recommend you certain life changes that you can adopt and can stay healthy:
- Doing regular physical activity
- Maintaining the alcohol amount that you intake
- Eating healthy
- Maintaining your weight loss and weight gain, etc.
After making all the life changes also, sometimes it's not enough. If a change in lifestyle isn't helping them, your doctor may recommend you some medications for bp.
Ayurvedic Medications for Blood Pressure
There are certain ayukarma ayurvedic medications for high bp that can help you control your bp naturally without any drugs or chemicals and side effects.
Various ayurvedic tablets for high bp are there which you can take for your bp problem, those are-
Ayurvedic BP Control Tablet
This is the Ayurvedic BP Control Tablet patients, as this is an excellent blood purifier and detoxifier also. This is natural ayurvedic BP control tablet with no artificial flavors. It’s very useful in May time of skin disease like Boils, vatarkta. It is a natural medicine made up of various useful ingredients such as –
- Marich- It helps in controlling BP and heart rate, it contains potassium.
- Giloy- Helps in reducing the level of high BP.
- Pippali- Helps in keeping blood pressure in control.
- Triphala- Decreases the strain level on blood vessels.
How to use
You can take 1 tablet twice a day with normal to lukewarm water as it is directed by physician. Please do not take it if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.
The recommended course for this medicine is 6 months.
And yes, we do recommend everyone to consult with an ayurvedic physician before you consume it as everyone has its unique needs.
Chandrahas Ayurvedic Natural Tablets
This is again the ayurvedic tablet for high BP. These tablets help in the formation of blood, increase stamina, help in curing and controlling diabetes. This is ayurvedic and natural with no artificial flavors and considered to be one of the most trusted and best medicine for high BP patients. It is a double purpose medicine as it helps in controlling BP levels and also it helps in treating urinary tract infections. It has the following ingredients-
- Amrita - It helps improving the metabolism and controls blood pressure.
- Vasa - Helps controlling high BP.
- Danti - Helps controlling constipation.
- Marica - Helps in relieving abdominal pain and bloating.
How to use
You can take 1 tablet twice a day with normal to lukewarm water as it is directed by physician. Please do not take it if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.
The recommended course for this medicine is 6 months.
And yes, we do recommend everyone to consult with an ayurvedic physician before you consume it as everyone has its unique needs.
Tridosh Vati Ayurvedic Tablets
This is another ayurvedic medicine for BP problems. It is well effective in all pitta disorders. It is very useful in anti-inflammatory joint pains. These BP capsules help in treating UTIs and purifying the blood. This is also natural. These tablets helps in the burning sensation on the skin.
- Baheda-Lowers blood sugar levels in body.
- Dalchini- It helps in reducing pulse BP.
- Amla-It widens the blood vessels and reduces cholesterol levels.
- Saunth-Reduces the threat of cardiovascular disease.
How to use
You can take 1 tablet twice a day with normal to lukewarm water as it is directed by physician. Please do not take it if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.
The recommended course for this medicine is 6 months.
And yes, we do recommend everyone to consult with an ayurvedic physician before you consume it as everyone has its unique needs.
These are some of the ayurvedic tablets which help in controlling blood pressure. Now let's see what are the home remedies for blood pressure problems?
Home remedies for Controlling Blood Pressure
Various home remedies for High Blood Pressure are:
- Follow a healthy conscious diet eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid foods that are really high in saturated fats, such as processed cheese, fatty meats, dairy products and etc.
- Losing weight, like bp and weight, goes hand in hand, so you can reduce your bp by losing weight.
- Reduce your stress level as one of the major reasons for high bp is stress. So if you can manage your stress, you can also control your high bp.

Like these, there are much more high bp home remedies that you can do for controlling your uncontrollable bp.
Home Remedies for Low BP
As above mentioned some high blood pressure home remedies, now let's discuss what can be the low bp home remedies:
- You should eat in small proportions and frequently
- Chew 5-7 tulsi leaves every morning. It can help in your bp regulation.
- You should drink more and more liquid every day. This will provide you with essential electrolytes which maintain fluids in your body.
- Another amazing way is to drink almond milk every day as it will prevent your bp from falling.
These are the blood pressure remedies that you can do at your home and control your bp from falling or increasing.
BP, also commonly known as hypertension, is a very common disorder in aged people, and it can also lead to various cardiovascular diseases. High bp, if not controlled or treated on time, can lead to several heart and kidney problems. So always keep a regular check on your bp and, if needed, consult a doctor and start taking your medications.